London - Drama
- Theatre
- Performance
- Music
- Entertainment
- Media
- Art
- Design
- Culture
- Body Percussion Workshop
- Workshop on Flash Mob / Drama
- Theatre Performance Workshop
- West End Musical Show
- Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio
- Shakespeare Globe Theatre
- The Tower Bridge Exhibition
- Buckingham Palace
- House of Parliament
- Big Ben
- London Eye
- Covent Garden
- Shopping at Oxford
"...Our trip to Cambodia was fantastic and I would highly recommend it as a DOE activity if other schools are looking..."
Jumeirah College, Dubai
"...The Japanese guide (Amy) was superb and the coaches and drivers also made the trip thoroughly enjoyable...."
GEMS Wellington Intl School, Dubai
"...Our group of 60 families – celebrated Valentine Day at your hotel turned-out to be “memorable”..."
Citi Bank, Dubai
" opportunity to experience different roles from being a commander to a member of the mission..."
The Westminster School, Dubai